Wednesday, February 22, 2012

::Change Management – moving from good intension to excellent results::

All of us desire to see improvement in our lives and in our society. In our workplaces, the pace of change is accelerating.  This can often bring about major enhancements to our lives. Many changes, from email to cell phones, from employee empowerment to Lean Six Sigma, have altered our workplaces dramatically, and forever. Managing change, and managing it well, is becoming one of the most critical competencies for any organization.

And yet, while many organizations are increasingly exposing their employees to change, they are not teaching their managers, Project managers and teams how to effectively manage the "people" side of change. We all have good intentions for managing change well, but sometimes our results fall short.

This session will discuss why change management needs to be a key competency for you and your organization, and will share some tips regarding how to improve the practice of change management in your work.

The first question to ask yourself is; ‘What do I believe Change Management is?’

Many focus only on the process when they define their understanding of change management. Here is my understanding – the process, tools and techniques to manage the people-side of change to achieve the required business outcome(s).

Change management isn’t just about communicating the change process or managing the technical side of the process. There are few points below describing what are the basic things to do to ensure that your change plan isn’t just activities but will produce expected results or more.

Key point 1: To move from good intentions to good results, we have to realize that effective change management is more than just a few pieces of communication. In other words, communication is a foundation to change process. Every member of the team must be on the same page as the champion of the change. Has a business owner, who wants to take the business to the next level, you need your team to fully understand and agree to the set goals.

Effective change management requires that beyond communicating the vision, you need to ensure understanding and by-in.

Key point 2: To move from good intentions to good results, we have to realize that we (the “changers”) may be “living” in the future state, while everyone else (“the changees”) is living in the present. This is the force that propels the change to be successful. We must all see the future before we go ahead. Once this can be achieved, you are the path to success.

Your team will definitely give you the drive to do it right. Each and every member of the team will be motivators of others and themselves.

Key point 3: To move beyond good intentions, effective change management MUST be focused on helping individuals change. Picture this, assuming you want to drive to work on a Monday morning and you discover that one of your tiers is deflated. Do you refuse to change it because you still 3 left which are in good other? My guess is NO! It is important that to have a great day or even get out of the house you need to change the bad tire.

Hence, when you have a member in the team who doesn’t fully understand the change or isn’t ready to go all the way. It is advisable to let him/her go. A lean team with full understand and clear vision is more likely to succeed to a robust non-motivated team.

Key point 4: Individual change is a process. The value of change in a team cannot be achieved without individuals first finding their path in the team’s vision and begin to change from inside-out. A team where individuals do not see a need for them to change, how will they change the culture or system of the team? It will be hard work with no result.

Key point 5:  To move beyond good intentions, we need to select and use the tools available to us. Every team requires adequate and function work tools that will be used to carry out the change process. Every team member needs to be part of the selection of tools to be used.
Individual experiences can be a vital tool to the success expected from the set changes. It is important to involve everyone even in tools selection.

Key point 6: To move beyond good intentions, we need the right people involved and engaged in the right ways. This is one of the most critical aspects of change that you cannot afford to mix up. People are very dynamic. You need to ensure that each person is doing what they have strength and competency in doing.
This is the only way you maximise the performance of the team. If you need help on this you might need to consult others or tools that can help determine the strength of your team members.

Key point 7:  Begin with end in mind. Measure the “right” things for this change, at the organizational level and the individual level.

No farmer goes to the farm for seed sowing without harvest in mind. Be clear about what you want to achieve with the change and taken points 1 – 6 seriously, you are sure of successful change results in your team.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Working at Home? Time is of the Essence!

I have heard people say that the main reason that they want to work at home is because they can work only when they want to work. It is true that you can set your own work hours when you work at home but it does NOT mean that you don’t have to have set work hours.

A ‘hit or miss’ work schedule…or rather, the lack of any work schedule at all, simply will not work. Time is of the Essence! YOUR time!

Working at home can be a very, very good thing. You can be at home to see the kids off to school and be at home when they get home. You can put a load of laundry in and it can run through the cycles while you are working.

You can have dinner cooked before a hungry family descends like a flock of hungry buzzards. All of those things are real perks that you automatically get when you work at home. Working at home can also be a very, very bad thing if you do not plan your time well and if you do not set up a work schedule that you and your family can live with. When you work at home, time really is of the essence.

You must make very good use of the time that you spend working. If you are not efficient in accomplishing the tasks that must be done, you will either spend too much time working or you will fail miserably at your work at home job or business.

You must set up a work schedule for yourself when you work at home and then you must enforce that work schedule for yourself and insist that you family and friends also adhere to your work schedule.
A job out in the brick and mortar world does two things;
(1) It provides a structure for your day and
(2) it tells your family and friends that your time is spoken for during your working hours. You will notice that both of these things that a regular job provides both relate to your TIME.
First let’s discuss the structure that a regular job provides and how you can apply that structure to your work at home job or business. When you have a job that you go to outside your home, you are required to be at that job at a specified time on specified days of the week.

When you have a work at home job or business, you need that same kind of structure. You need to set regular working hours. The freedom that a work at home job provides is that you can choose the hours…but you do have to choose!

It is a strange but very true fact that your dear mother would not DREAM of calling you at your ‘real’ job and asking you to drive Aunt Rosie to the beauty shop and wait for her….after all….you are WORKING and can’t be expected to leave your job to run errands.

That very same considerate mother WILL call you and ask you to take Aunt Rosie to the beauty shop and wait for her when you are working at home. Why? Because you are at home and available, that’s why.
Your dear, sweet mother will not see your work at home job as a ‘real’ job. Your spouse will also see you as being free to run errands. Your friends will see you as being available for long telephone conversations, lunch or for a coffee klatch.

You can see the problem. If YOU do not schedule your time and abide by your schedule yourself, others will not. Unless you see your work at home job as a REAL job with REAL working hours, your time will be eaten up. You will not accomplish the tasks that you need to accomplish.

You will fail and find yourself out looking for a REAL job unless you see your work at home job as the REAL THING with regular working hours that make you unavailable for other activities.

The best way to accomplish using your time to your own best advantage with your work at home job or business is to make a schedule and tell your family and friends what that schedule is.
You don’t have to be rude but you do have to be firm. Make it clear to all. “I will be working between 9 AM and 3 PM Monday through Friday. On those days and during those hours, I am NOT available to run errands or take personal phone calls or entertain company.” Then stick to it!
Wise Time Management Tips for Work-at-Home Entrepreneurs
Time for work-at-home entrepreneurs is their single most valuable asset. Nothing can replace time…valuable, precious time!

No matter how rich or poor you are, no matter how many things are on your ‘to-do’ list, you still just get the regulation twenty-four hours each day. Sometimes I could use another twenty-four but that isn’t going to happen. I’ll bet that you could use more hours in your work day, as well.

The thing about those twenty-four allotted hours per day is that we can’t spend all of them working. We have to sleep some of them. We have to take time to eat and there is the occasional shower, too. Our families and our friends require some of our time. Relationships must be nurtured. So…we can allow ourselves just so many work hours each day. Since our working time is limited that means that we must make the very most of the hours that we work. We can’t waste time on unimportant details or on tasks that others can do.

When you save a few minutes here and a few minutes there, you will make more efficient use of your allotted work hours. Here are a few suggestions and in the interest of saving your time (and mine), I’ll keep this brief and to the point.

Email account efficiency: We all have various email accounts. We use one account for this and another account for that. Checking each and every email account more than once a day can be a time consuming task that you very easily make less time consuming by having all of the email that comes to all of your various email account to come into one gmail account. One email account takes a lot less time than several and you can still maintain all of your various email addresses.

Additionally, you don’t need to spend a lot of time reading and answering emails that are not going to add to your bottom line. Email comes in several varieties. There are emails that are business related, emails that are important but not business related and emails that are simply frivolous and time wasting. If an email has been forwarded several times, don’t waste your time.

If an email is addressed to greet many people, don’t waste any time on it either. Email can consume a lot of time. You need to filter the important from the irrelevant and only spend time on those emails that are related to your business.

Set up time tables to help you prioritize your work day: A scheduled work day is an efficient work day. You will get a lot more done in a lot less time if you know in advance and can see at a glance what task is next on your list. I like visual aids. A time table is a visual aid. It can help you allot your time efficiently and productively!

Focus on result producing activities: When you make your work day schedule, you need to be certain that the tasks that you schedule are the ones that will in fact make your business grow and thrive. Don’t waste your time, effort and energy on tasks that can be done by others.

Take time to investigate outsourcing. You can add hours to your day each and every day when you outsource the mundane business tasks to others.

You can outsource such tasks as bookkeeping and accounting, travel and event planning and ad writing. Others can do these tasks better and more efficiently than you can and your time is better spent on growing your business, making those contacts and closing those deals!

Save time off of counter-productive activities: Like I said, your friends and families do required some of your time but you can also waste a whole ton of time on such unproductive activities as watching TV. You will be really surprised at how much of your day that you waste if you keep a record of your time expenditures over the course of several days’ time.

Now don’t misunderstand me. We all need down time. We all must relax our minds as well as our bodies. We can’t be all business all the time but we can limit our unproductive or counterproductive activities.
Time is precious and time is limited. We need to make the very best use of every minute of every day that we possibly can.

Outsourcing: How to Get More Done in Less Time
Time really does equal money. You are an internet entrepreneur and you need to ask yourself what the best use of your time really is because it is YOUR time that equals money. The health of your bottom line is directly affected by the way that you choose to allot your working hours.

First let’s discuss what your job really is as an internet entrepreneur. Your job is to grow your business. Your job is to make those contacts that will make you money. Your job is to conceive ideas and bring them to fruition. Your job is to close that deal! You do agree with that description of your job duties as an internet entrepreneur, don’t you?

Okay! Now let’s discuss what your job as an internet entrepreneur is NOT. Being an internet entrepreneur does not qualify you as an accountant, an advertising guru or a writer. You aren’t qualified to be an event planner or a travel agent. When you decided to become an internet entrepreneur that did not automatically make you a ‘jack-of-all-trades’.

You can waste a lot of your valuable time on tasks that you just plain aren’t very good at. You are the idea man/woman. It is your job to make your business grow and you’ll be good at that provided that is where you use your time and direct your energies.

If you insist upon doing everything yourself, whether you are good at it or not, you will use up all of your thought and energy and have nothing left to do the things that only YOU can do to make your business grow.

Hire an accountant or a bookkeeping service: Every business must keep a record of its day to day financial transactions and even the smallest of transactions add up to big tax deductions over the period of a year.
You can’t simply file everything under ‘miscellaneous’ and you can’t spend an hour or so every day taking care of just mundane bookkeeping duties either. Bookkeepers and accountants only charge for the time that they actually spend working for you. Usually they have many clients.

If they spend one hour working on your records then you will only be charged for that one hour. YOU aren’t a bookkeeper or an accountant and you would have likely spent three or four hours doing the same tasks and then with questionable results. Hire an accountant or a bookkeeping service!

Hire a VA (Virtual Assistant): A virtual assistant can save you hours and hours of time on the mundane tasks that are required to be accomplished in order to run a successful internet business.

A VA can check your email and send only the emails that you need to personally deal with to you. Internet entrepreneurs get more junk mail than anybody! A good VA can also act as a travel agent and make airline and hotel reservations for you. Hire a VA!

Use ghost writers and article submission services: Writing articles and E-books is always a big part of all internet marketing no matter what the niche might be. You will need to have website content and you will also need to submit articles and E-books to banks and repositories for others to use along with your resource box in order to build your online credibility.

Ghost writers will post to blogs and forums for you above your own signature file that includes your name and website. Some ghost writers will also submit articles and E-books to banks and repositories for you. If the ghost writer that you employ does not, then you can seek an articles submission company to do that time consuming task for you as well.

Use an advertising agency: Now advertising agencies don’t work cheap so you will need to be very, very specific about what you want them to do for your business. You can likely get PPC advertisements written rather reasonably and even that will be a huge help to you time wise.

There are only just so many hours in a day and you can only spend just so many of those hours working at making your online business successful. There is still life outside of business.

You have friends and family that do require some measure of your time. That makes it even more vital that you use your time to make your business grow and not waste your time by spending doing the everyday tasks that can take so much of your valuable time.

Think outsourcing!

Guerrilla Methods: How to Save Money and Spend Less Than Your Competitors
Oh, the dreaded ‘B’ word! No, not THAT ‘B’ word I’m talking about the BUDGET ‘B’ word. The formula for determining profit is a really simple one and the one that all budgets are based upon.

Income – Expenses = Profit.
It isn’t complicated and you don’t need to be a rocket scientist to figure out that there are two ways to improve your profit; 
(1) increase income or 
(2) decrease expenses. 
 If you can figure out how to both simultaneously, please let me know how.

It would be really nice if we could just crank up the burners and make more money, wouldn’t it? Unfortunately increasing income is much harder than decreasing expenses when it comes to improving your bottom line.

Fortunately, working at home comes with some built in savings right up front. You don’t have to buy that expensive gasoline to get to and from work. You don’t have to keep your working wardrobe up to date.
You can eat a homemade meal for lunch in your own kitchen. And all of these are good money-saving things that just come with the territory when you work at home.

There are, however, some other measures that you can take to help decrease your work at home expenses. Here are some money saving ideas:

Idea #1: Don’t buy every piece of software that comes down the pike. Most of us who work at home are software junkies. We LOVE software….all kinds of software…and before we know it we have software on top of software and more software than we need or even can use.

Idea #2: Don’t buy bigger programs than you need. Often programs that help us accomplish the necessary tasks are offered in various sizes. You might be planning on having a hundred employees next year but you don’t need software to manage a hundred employees this year. You can always upgrade when the time comes. Today you need to save the bucks and go with only what you need today.

Idea #3: Don’t spend unnecessary advertising. So many times new entrepreneurs will start out running PPC advertising with absolute abandon. They will choose every single key word and phrase possible and then let the PPC advertisements run 24/7. This is a huge waste of advertising cash. You need to learn to read the statistics that are provided to you by search engines and gear your advertisements to only appear in search results under very controlled circumstances and only during specific hours. It isn’t hard to run up a PPC bill of several thousand in a very short period of time and not make a single sale in the process.

Idea #4: Take full advantage of free advertising to build your business and your credibility. There are free ways to advertise that are almost as effective as PPC advertising and paid-for advertising in E-zines and newsletters. Some of these free advertising methods are:
1. Write E-books and articles and submit them to E-book repositories and article banks for others to use free of charge. (These articles and E-books are accompanied by your resource box and include your name and your website address.)
2. Post to blogs and forums that are related to the products and services that you sell. You post above a signature that includes your name and your website address.
3. A banner exchange with another website owner who promotes products and services that are complimentary to the products and services you sell is yet another method of free advertising.
4. Build a long and impressive opt-in list. Email advertising is free but you need the recipient’s permission to send advertising emails.
5. Learn to make your email advertisements viral. There are a great many techniques that can be used to encourage the recipients of your advertising emails to share them with friends and family.

Idea #5: Sign up with a good flat-rate long distance telephone service. The internet is a worldwide place of business and it isn’t hard to run up a long distance bill of several thousand pretty quickly. A flat-rate long distance telephone service can save you a lot of money over time.

The bottom line here is to remember the formula for determining profit; Income – Expenses = Profit.
It’s great to increase income when you can but you can always find ways to decrease expenses if you look for them. When you spend less, you make more and that will blow your competitors away!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Top 10 Tips for Starting a Business That Will Succeed

Advice on Starting a Business to Ensure Success
By Susan Ward

1) Do what you love
You're going to devote a lot of time and energy to starting a business and building it into a successful enterprise, so it's really important that you truly deeply enjoy what you do, whether it be running fishing charters, creating pottery or providing financial advice.

2) Start your business while you're still employed
How long can most people live without money? Not long. And it may be a long time before your new business actually makes any profits. Being employed while you're starting a business means money in your pocket while you're going through the starting a business process.

3) Don't do it alone
You need a support system while you're starting a business (and afterwards). A family member or friend that you can bounce ideas off and who will listen sympathetically to the latest business start up crisis is invaluable. Even better, find a mentor or, if you qualify, apply for a business start up program such as The Self-Employment Program. When you're starting a business experienced guidance is the best support system of all.

4) Get clients or customers first
Don't wait until you've officially started your business to line these up, because your business can't survive without them. Do the networking. Make the contacts. Sell or even give away your products or services. You can't start marketing too soon.

5) Write a business plan
The main reason for doing a business plan first when you're thinking of starting a business is that it can help you avoid sinking your time and money into starting a business that will not succeed.

Remember, you don't have to work through a full scale business plan for each new business idea you come up with; my Quick-Start Business Plan, for instance, will let you test the potential of your business idea much more quickly.

6) Do the research
You'll do a lot of research writing a business plan, but that's just a start. When you're starting a business, you need to become an expert on your industry, products and services, if you're not already. Joining related industry or professional associations before you start your business is a great idea.

7) Get professional help
On the other hand, just because you're starting a business, doesn't mean you have to be an expert on everything. If you're not an accountant or bookkeeper, hire one (or both). If you need to write up a contract, and you're not a lawyer, hire one. You will waste more time and possibly money in the long run trying to do things yourself that you are not qualified to do.

8) Get the money lined up
Save up if you have to. Approach potential investors and lenders. Figure our your financial fall-back plan. Don't expect to start a business and then walk into a bank and get money. Traditional lenders don't like new ideas and don't like businesses without proven track records.

9) Be professional from the get-go
Everything about you and the way you do business needs to let people know that you are a professional running a serious business. That means getting all the accoutrements such as professional business cards, a business phone and a business email address, and treating people in a professional, courteous manner.

10) Get the legal and tax issues right the first time
It's much more difficult and expensive to unsnarl a mess afterwards. Does your business need to be registered? Will you have to charge VAT or WHT? Will you have to have Workers' Compensation Insurance or deal with payroll taxes? How will the form of business you choose affect your income tax situation? Learn what your legal and tax responsibilities are before you start your business and operate accordingly.

Following the advice on starting a business above will make starting a business both a smoother, less stressful process and go a long way towards ensuring the business you start lasts and thrives.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

::Leading Change in a difficult environment::

"In the change from being a caterpillar to becoming a butterfly, you're nothing more than a yellow, gooey sticky mess."

You have to stop being a caterpillar in order to become a butterfly. Change is not always a conscious decision. Change will occur, inevitably. We can choose to be active participants in change or not. Metamorphosis is an uncontrollable process with an unclear result. It is dangerous to think you know the answer unless you allow the process of change itself.

What is Change?
… to make different is some particular processes or activities, to make radical different (Transform) or to give a different position, course or direction.

What is most recurrent in this definitions is ‘Different(ce)’.
Changes are important in every aspect of our lives. Be it at home or at work. Managing it is the major challenge people face. Personal changes are most likely easy to deal with, but corporate changes are not. This is so because of the number of people (views) involved.

Best practices state the following when managing changes
• Design a Process
• Write Procedures
• Communicate the Plan

These processes are very important as different people have different views and perception of what should be. In designing a process, you require everybody’s inputs as to make them have a buy-in into the vision of the change.

A change that is not autonomous is as good as a personal goal set for a group of people. You need to get everyone together on the same page with the change before execution. If you don’t, you are going to face a lot of challenges managing issues that will come up during the implementation period.

Write the vision and the methodology for carrying out these changes as you need it to keep your team in line. If you fail to write it down, you will have different people going in different direction. Management alone cannot plan for change, execute it and expect the whole team to drive with it.

These changes will definitely affect the day-to-day activities of the team, hence a need for their buy-in. you require more than the bodies of your team but also their Souls.

While changes can be perceived as positive or negative, it is important to set clear target for the team. Man I say is a product of Nature and Nurture, given way to the way we interpret events and perceive others view to same. Human Behaviour defines Culture. Culture reflects the need for order.

The reasons for resistance are usually some the following:
• Self-interest
• Fear of the unknown
• Differing perceptions
• Suspicion
• Conservatism

While managing changes requires looking at all the dimensions such as;
• Past history in putting change in place
• Degree of sponsorship
• Authenticity of sponsorship
• Organisational and individual current stress
• Who will be impacted by the change
• Cultural fit of the change
• Addressing “what is in it for me”
• Communication of the change and its progress
• Skill sets of the change agents

Lessons to be Learned
1. Develop a compelling Vision
2. Change is a Journey
3. Understand and own the Past
4. Build strong, omitted management coalition
5. Identify all the people who are affected or who need to be involved
6. Analyze Their readiness for change
7. Start where people are most receptive
8. People don’t resist their own ideas
9. Manage the driving force as well as the restraining forces
10. Establish a darn good reason to change
11. Say it once, say it twice and say it again
12. But monitor the communications
13. Encourage the heart
14. Show results – early and often
15. Prepare for ‘Implementation dip’
16. Validate the feelings of people
17. Don’t resist Resistance
18. Facilitate, Rather than just Train
19. Use a variety of mediums to build competency in the change
20. Recognise every person is a change agent
21. Finally, celebrate everyone