This picture is located somewhere
deep in the heart of the Niger Delta. It is a flow station protected by a high
barbed wire fence. It has only two entrances. This flow station is heavily
guarded round the clock 24/7. The flow station is said to be unique because its
contents aren't the usual brand of crude oil. As a result, this station is said
to be worth hundreds of millions of dollars. It is about a mile to the nearest
village. For its protection and sensitivity, this piece will skip its other
On the day the #IntrepidWarrior visited
the sight, about four uniformed and heavily armed soldiers were guarding the
facility. As soon as they spotted the visitor, their alarm signals must have
gone off simultaneously. Their immediate reaction gave the impression of the
fact that this facility must be highly priced. The #IntrepidWarrior spoke with
them briefly, introducing himself as a visitor who just wanted to see the
progress the facility had brought to the nearby community. He told them he grew
up about some miles not too far from there. A short time later, he left.
That evening, it was learnt that the #Avengers had sent word that they were going
to storm the facility and advised the soldiers to vacate the place in their own
interests, for their own safety. The militants made it known to the soldiers
that the four of them won't be a match for them. And even if they called for
reinforcement, they could only make matters worse. According to the villagers,
the soldiers packed their bags and hurriedly left the flow station that
evening. They knew better not to confront the #Avengers whose recent exploits
is known far and wide, all the way to Wall Street and Washington DC.
The #IntrepidWarrior was curious and
waited to see the end of that little unfolding drama. True to their promise,
the #Avengers, at exactly by 12 midnight, stormed the facility in two gunboats.
But on this visit, they scouted the peremeter fencing and other vital
information and perhaps marked the flow station as a prime target to be
destroyed at their time of convenience. The Niger Delta is crisscrossed with
thousands of such oil and gas facilities. They could storm any at their whim
and caprice. Almost all the oil and gas facilities are vulnerable to a large
Given the above scenario, one must
wonder how the military expects to annihilate the militants by bombing them out
of existence without heavy collateral damage? Can the army really bomb the
#Avengers out of existent and risk losing the war itself? Can the administration
risk losing whatever is left of the oil and gas industry, and in the process
further put its military generals in collison with the Hague for war crimes?
Already, the army has been indicted by Amnesty International for killing
unarmed IPOB demostrators. Can the military therefore, ill afford to take
another indictment for the gross abuse of human rights violations in the Niger
While these issues dominate both
sides of the impasse, there are other things that occupied the mind of the
#IntrepidWarrior. He was not far from one of the tributaries of the River Nunn.
Under the shining moonlight, he could clearly see how the river was heavily
polluted. In the village, the natives lamented their fate and told stories of
the good old days when food, fish and virtually everything was bountiful.
Looking around, there were no relics of the past to offer them a sense of
nostalgia. To most of them, their paradise was gone forever. The multi-million
dollar flow station in no way was about to alleviate their poverty and
miserable lives. It is that sense of hopelessness that have drawn them to
sympathise with the mission of the #Avengers.
So far in the Niger Delta, Ogoniland
has become the gold standard in epic pollution matters. But traverse through
the region and one cannot even imagine the sense-defying devastation of the
ecosystem and how it might take several hundreds of years to reinvent the Niger
Delta as it were. It is preposterous to talk about the Niger Delta ever getting
back to her natural God-given state. However, the greater tragedy is that the
people of the Niger Delta have nothing to fall back on because the
socio-economic and political system have completely eliminated them from the
equation. The only variables in the oil and gas industry are three constants:
the govt (g), the oil giants, (og) and the cabals [C]. The equation has no
place for the little guys called the natives!
After several years, it has dawned on
the people that the federal government and the oil giants have no appetite for
meaningful dialogue that would put the actual owners of the resources in the
drivers seat. Over the years, it has become self-evident that Nigeria's
over-dependence on crude oil has produced an elite class whose lifestyles are
tied to the oil and gas industry like an umbilical cord to a new-born baby.
Consequently, weaning Nigeria's power-drunk political class off the Niger Delta
must take an epic battle for the ages. No one is sure how long this epic battle
will last. It is this million dollar question that the #Avengers are trying to
decipher. It is dubbed the fight between David and Goliath as they confront the
military that is armed to the teeth.
Even so, a few things are going for
the little man David. The #Avengers can boast of state of the art weapon system
within a short time if pushed to the outer limits of their endurance. There's
already talk they possess surface to air missiles systems capable of expanding
the theater of war. Besides, it is no brainer for the militants to acquire
other types of deadly low platform striking capabilities that could rock far
away locations outside the region. They could also add another dimension to the
situation by hiring mercenaries to aid them as needed. This possibility could
be more than ugly.
However, their best advantage is that
they know the terrain like the back of their palms. They already have the
targets figured out. And they can strike at them no matter any air, sea or land
bombardment. The army could chew more than they can handle if they
underestimate this David of the Niger Delta. This is an inconvenient truth that
the oil giants cannot tell.
__________ Ebi B Asain
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